We are always looking for gently used or new beds, bedding, car seats to give out. We can also use monetary donations to purchase items as needed when our donated items are running low. We also need volunteers to assemble beds and sort items for pick up.
Fostering Sweet Dreams
Fostering Sweet Dreams is located at 412 Wimbledon Rd, Edmond OK 73003 our hours of operation are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-1pm, by appointment only
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How You Can Help
Fostering Sweet Dreams
- Bunk Beds
- Twin Mattresses
- Cribs
- New bedding
- Non-expired car seats
- Dressers
- Toys
- Clothing
- Bedding with missing parts
- Expired Car Seats
- Drop-Side Cribs
Our Mission: Fostering Sweet Dreams provides essential resources to Oklahoma’s most vulnerable children.

412 Wimbledon Rd, Edmond OK 73003
Today we spent a lot of time getting pickups ready to go out, several beds, and car seats. What we live to do!
Sadly we spent a great deal of time throwing away items (bags of the bottom of toy boxes) and loading a truck up with stained up mattresses and drop-side cribs, and misc. bed pieces to take to the dump. This takes time and money.
Please please when donating, remember items that are stained up, pieces of beds, and or toys we do not accept and spend precious volunteer hours throwing out.
And always thank you so very much for gently used donations of beds, up to date cribs, and car seats.
Can’t volunteer your time? No items to donate at this time?
Help us DREAM BIG by becoming a monthly donor
Your tax-deductible monthly donation commitment allows FSD to restock items that move as quickly as they come into the organization. By receiving monthly commitments, we are able to allocate funds received more effectively and impactfully.
We serve an average of 75 Oklahoma children per month, and this number is steadily increasing each month. Our goal is to never turn a family away because we do not have the resources they need. Choose from one of the 3 levels below!
Twin Donor
Items we can purchase (but not limited to) with this level of giving
- Sheet sets
- Pillows
- Blankets
- Comforter sets
- Crib mattresses
Full Donor
Items we can purchase (but not limited to) with this level of giving
- Twin Size bed frames
- Full Size bed frames
- Sheet sets
- Pillows
- Blankets
- Comforter sets
- Crib mattresses
- Twin mattresses
King Donor
Items we can purchase (but not limited to) with this level of giving
- Twin Size bed frames
- Full Size bed frames
- Sheet sets
- Pillows
- Blankets
- Comforter sets
- Crib mattresses
- Twin mattresses
- Full set up bed (frame, mattress, sheets, pillow, blankets)
Interested in helping us purchase our own building? This is our long term goal!! Just notate on your donation “Building Purchase”.
Can’t commit to a monthly donation? That is ok! You can make a one time tax deductible donation of any amount at any time!
Fostering Sweet Dreams
View Photos and News Articles
Fostering Sweet Dreams is a non profit that provides tangible needs such as beds, car seats, high chairs and strollers to Kinship foster-care placements along with unexpected traditional foster-care placements.
- All Items
- Bedrooms
- Donations
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- Volunteers
Meet Our Team
Team Members

Madison Robertson
Executive Director

Kristy Payne

Jennifer Lefkowitz & Ryleigh Lefkowitz
Assistant Director & Volunteer

Amber Grimes
Finance Director

Tom Rosser

Felicia Paslay
Board Member

Latasha Granillo
Board Member
Contact Fostering Sweet Dreams
412 Wimbledon Rd, Edmond OK 73003
Call or Email
Our Mission: Fostering Sweet Dreams provides essential resources to Oklahoma’s most vulnerable children.
Need Resources?
Fostering Sweet Dream’s is here to help. Click below to fill out our resource application.
Want to Help?
Fostering Sweet Dream’s is in need of volunteers.